lilygrass's blog

Flowers and gifts for Self-Care

Making some New Year’s resolutions? If you’re not quite sure what to put on your list, consider self-care. We are all so used to caring for others but often feel guilty for taking time to care for ourselves. It’s okay to treat yourself! In fact, it’s good for your emotional, mental, and physical health.

Shop local for fun, whimsical gifts

The biggest shopping season of the year is upon us. While it’s always important to support small businesses, this year it matters even more, as so many are still trying to recover from the impact of the pandemic. Local shops that have survived this trying time are hopeful and preparing for a big holiday season.

The language of colors

When you send someone flowers, you are generally trying to tell them something: “I love you,” “I support you,” “I celebrate with you.” But did you realize that the color of flowers you choose can reinforce or clash with that message?

Flower spotlight: eucalyptus

When you hear the word eucalyptus, it may make you think about cold and flu remedies or creams that treat muscle aches, but it’s also greenery that graces bridal bouquets and event flower arrangements alongside peonies, hydrangeas, orchids, and other beautiful blooms. It is so versatile that you see it in everyday designs as well.

Flower spotlight: astilbe

Originating as ornamentals in Japan in the 1800s, astilbe is a stunning flower that can brighten any room with their tall, feathery-soft looking sprays in reds, purples, pinks, and whites. Astilbe is also known as False Goat’s Beard because it does slightly resemble a beard.


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