Retail Reindeer Roadshow with the NWOKC played games and interviewed Alicia on November 26 for Small Business Saturday.
Did you know...
NWOKC Chamber had their 1st Noodle 4 Knowledge tournament that supported local schools picked by the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. We joined LMROSS team and won 1st place and got to present a check to Bethany High school. (October 2016)
NWOKC Chamber and NYP had a halloween basket drive for The Children's Center Rehabilitation Hospital. We were able to donate around 120 baskets to the children. (October 2016)
The Crew surprised me for BOSS'S DAY with a "few of my favorite things" (do you hear the singing in my voice?) I love my work family and Lilygrass would not be able to function without the help and dedication that everyone of them gives!