Did you know...


Easter Goodie Basket

We are so excited to announce that you can now take a tour of Lilygrass flowers and decor from the comfort of your own home. Browsing our collection of unique gift items and seasonal decor has never been easier! Whether you're looking for a friend or for your own self-indulgence, your shopping experience is only a click away. 

Check out our new ‘360’ Virtual Tour through the link below.

Lilygrass flowers and decor Store Tour



Lilygrass flowers and decor Virtual Store Tour
explore creativity through the art of flowers the last Thursday of every month!
* what you envision, you make a reality*
no experience needed! we go over the basics of floral care, preparation, and design as you diy a one of a kind floral arrangement that you take home or gift to someone!
"DIY" Make and Take class EVERY Month

Lilygrass flowers and decor offers unique services for the Christmas season for your home.  We can unpack your existing indoor holiday decor, decorate your home and Christmas tree.  Then we can come back in January to pack it away.  We also offer the service to pick up your tree from you in January, store it for the year and deliver it back to you for next year's season.  Let us make your holiday easier!  Pricing is based on the customization of the services needed.

Decorate for Christmas - Stress Free!
